Tracking Systems for the NHS

Our of the shelf Tracking Systems for NHS Hospitals and NHS Logistics 

Operating Theatre and Ward staff can access the data via a browser on their PC, Laptop, Tablet or Smart Phone

Track Inbound Supplies

Track inbound hospital supplies and parcels from point of entry to Wards and Theatres

Pharmacy Delivery Tracking System

Track Pharmacy to Wards

Track Prescriptions from Hospital Pharmacy to Wards and Theatres

Pathology Sample Tracking

Pathology Sample Tracking

Track Pathology Samples from GP Surgeries to the Pathology Lab

Track Pharmacy to GP Surgeries

Track Prescriptions from Hospital Pharmacy to external GP Surgeries and Clinics

NHS Logistics

Track NHS Supplies to Hospitals, GP Surgeries and Clinics

Patient Record Tracking

Track Patient Records within the Hospital and to and from GP Surgeries

One System for All Tracking

Achieve Massive Cost Savings

Did you know that our DeliveryPoD Tracking system can cater for multiple tracking applications at the same time:

  • Inbound Supplies
  • Mailroom
  • Patient Records
  • Pharmacy to Wards, Pharmacy to GP Surgeries
  • Loan Equipment
  • Logistics
  • Pathology from GP Surgeries to the Lab

DeliveryPoD is Web Based and there is no user license needed to access information on the website, so Wards, Theatres and GP Surgeries can be given Logons to access information specifically for them – at no extra cost.

Track Anywhere

All Items - Internal & External

DeliveryPoD supports both:

  • Single Journey Items:
    • Parcels, Mail and Supplies
    • Prescriptions

  • Long Term Items
    • Assets
    • Patient Records
    • Transport Bags

Equally it also tracks things:

  • Internally – to staff at desks inside the building

  • Externally – onto vehicles and transporting to outlying Hospitals, GP Surgeries and Patients At Home

Delivery Trolleys

Delivery Trolleys are fully supported. You can scan items onto a Trolley, so if it goes missing you know what was on it. Manifests for Trolleys are supported (see section).

Locations & Location Barcodes

You can set up buildings and locations within those buildings. Barcodes can be printed, so that you can scan items into those locations. These can also be used to record where and item was collected from or delivered to.

Own Vehicles

Scan items onto a your own vehicles, then deliver them to people, barcoded locations etc. Manifests and Route Restrictions are fully supported.


When scanning onto a Vehicle or Delivery Trolley, a Manifest is created. This can be taken on the Mobile Computer so the user can see all remaining Delivery Points and Items. As the first item is scanned off, all other items for that Delivery Point are shown and the user is invited to scan them off.

On Screen Signature Capture

If you need to obtain a signature, this is done by the person signing on the mobile computer screen (or if using the PC Version - by signing on the signature pad mounted on the desk)

Inbuilt Cameras

Staff have the option of proving Failed Delivery Attempts by taking a picture of say a GP Surgeries Locked Door or and Empty Desk. Equally if they notice an item is Damaged or a Broken Seal (on a sealed bag), they can photograph this.

Automatic Emails

Emails can be set up to automatically send emails on key events such as: Damage Reported, Failed Delivery Attempt, Delivered to Non Addressee, Delivered to Location, Vehicle Loaded etc.

Preventing Late Deliveries

Late Deliveries can be prevented by Pulse (our real-time software for intelligently warning of items in danger of being late) and Emails that can notify Supervisors when an item is within a set period before or after due. Filters can be applied - for example, don't worry if it is on a vehicle or a trolley.

KPI / Service Level Reporting

You can set your own Service Definitions (hours of operation, delivery timescales) and define your own zones such as "Very Early", "Early", "On Time" and "Late". Reports can be generated by Sender (e.g. Mailroom, Pharmacy") or all Senders, To Department (or all Departments).

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